Traditionally effective


Thyme (Thymian vulgaris) belongs to the Mint family and grows to up to 50 centimetres in height. It loves sunny, dry spots, preferably rocky heaths in the Mediterranean region, although it’s also native to Austria. The ancient Egyptians apparently used it to embalm their dead. As with many other plants, it was Hildegard von Bingen who described its effectiveness in treating coughs and respiratory problems.

Thyme has a very fragrant odour and antibacterial properties, it stimulates the appetite and digestion, and acts as an expectorant. It’s suitable for internal and external use.
Thyme’s antiseptic action can mainly be ascribed to thymol, part of the composition of the plant’s essential oil. It mainly acts as a disinfectant. Thyme is also used as a balsamic, anti-cough and expectorant agent. Thyme extract is also included in some cough syrups.

That’s what makes thyme an essential ingredient in our Arlberger Pectatussan Baby Chest Rub.

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