Got a question about one of our products?
We have the answers.
Simply click on one of the following questions to find out what you need to know. Should you not find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us by telephone +43 2252/82 369 -0 or email bano@bano.at
Traditionally effective

You’ll find our entire product range in every pharmacy in Austria, Germany and Italy, in our online shop and on Amazon. Should your pharmacy not stock the product you’re looking for, it can be ordered for you there free of charge at any time. The item will be available the next day at the latest.
Some of our products are also available in branches of Prokopp, in Gewußt-Wie drugstores, in all branches of Reformhaus Martin and in well-stocked specialist retailers.
Domestic and international customers can also place orders by telephone, email or fax through our Baden Office: tel.: +43 (0)2252/82 369-0, fax: +43 (0)2252/82 369-10 or email: bano@bano.at. Goods will be dispatched immediately following receipt of the full prepayment amount.
Marmot oil has quite an intense odour, like any pure animal oil. That’s entirely normal and not a sign of poor quality.
No. The salve also contains mountain pine oil and menthol, giving it a very pleasant smell. It contains no camphor, which is why it lacks the typical mothball smell inherent to marmot oil.
It contains 40% salicylic acid.
Orders are dispatched at the latest one day following receipt. They are sent by post or parcel service. Normally, delivery will take two to three days within Austria and to Germany. Deliveries may, unfortunately, take a little longer to reach Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
Please contact our office by mail bano@bano.at and forward your trading licence and VAT ID number.
Yes. We’ve got a very good sales network, which is why we can also provide sales and logistics services to other businesses. This can be done for pharmacies and healthfood stores/drugstores. Should you be interested, please contact us by email at bano@bano.at.